Monday, May 6, 2013

Reverse Applique: Alabama Chanin Project

I have been working on a mini-table runner using reverse applique and methods invented by Natalie Chanin.

The project itself has been a joy to create and it is a secret (perhaps not so secret now) gift for a friend who hand carried home some serious goodies for me from a recent trip to Japan.

She may at times read my blog, but truth be told, I cannot contain myself from sharing this little photo of the project, and hopefully my friend will love it.  I think it is turning out quite pretty.

It's not quite done yet, but it isn't that far off either.

In other news, I am still working hard on a super top secret quilt project that is just perfect if I may say so myself.

And finally finished is the sweater for my 4 yr old.  I need to put buttons on it still, but it is adorable and he is willing to try it on for $.25 per session.

He even modeled it for my friend the other day and ended up with $.50 total.  Smart kid.

Are you ready for Mother's Day?  Maybe you are wondering where the perfect place is to take your special mother.  How about packing a picnic and heading towards a Peony Garden.  That sounds like a good idea to me!

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