Monday, September 30, 2013

English Paper Piecing & Oakshott Cotton Fabrics

I have yet to find a good way to reduce my list of creative projects so I say, "Go fly a kite," to the list and embark on something small, portable, and too fun to resist.

When we made the baby quilt recently, I had a lot of the 2" hexagon papers hanging around asking me to let them come out and play again.  The paper templates were from the Paper Pieces company. 

2" size means one of the hex sides is 2 inches in length.  This is a little confusing.  The piece actually measures 3.5" or 4" across depending on if you measure it flat side to flat side, or point to point.

By taking an Oakshott cotton 5" charm pack (fabric created BY HAND, on looms!!), it worked well with the 2" paper size with very little excess fabric to cut off.

I may look at PIQF to see if the Pinwheels booth has another pack or two of these so I can expand the size of the quilt.  In its current state (around 100 pieces), I think the finished size would be too small to even cover your lap.

PIQF is a very nice quilt show, if you are in California in won't want to miss it.

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