Monday, November 11, 2013

Hexagon Progress: hand piecing

You've seen this quilt before, but it was a layout photo with pieces put next to each other, not sewn together.

The latest photo is a view of how the pieces look like sewn together.  Still using Oakshott fabrics.  I am not sure if their hand-made fabrics will continue to be available.  It looks like they may be cutting over to a machine-made process to create their colourshott fabrics.

The quilt is still quite small, but it's the start of something interesting.  

I'm having fun taking the project around with me - working on it mostly during soccer games, piano lessons, and tennis practice.

Some of the parents look at me like I'm a little crazy for sewing on the go, and others of them come over and ask me what I'm making.

Without a lot of time to do creative work in the evenings a take-along project is probably the only thing to get any of my attention these days.  

If you have a solution to finding more time in the day I'd love to hear it.  I'm probably not the only one on planet Earth that would embrace a 25 hour day.


  1. Yummy colors! And your design really suits them, the way they blend together. I'm with you on the 25 hour day!

  2. I've been bringing hand pieced hexagons around to piano and softball for a while now, too. Can't think of a better way to maximize sewing time. It feels like the perfect compromise - I can still sew but be there for the kids, and they get to have their fun, too. The crazy looks I get just make it that much more exciting!
