Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Alabama Chanin Skirt Kit: Hand Applique

It's one thing to hand applique a 4" x 6" piece of jersey as a drink cup coaster.  It's quite another to undertake making an entire garment, like for example a skirt.

After playing around with lots of small 'coaster' projects to learn what time investment goes into the various methods of working with jersey, I have finally jumped off the diving board into the deep end.  The good news is that the water is warm.

We have a holiday party coming up with the weekly quilting & knitting group in less than 2 weeks, so my thinking is that I probably will not finish the skirt in time to wear it to that but I'm having fun working on it and the construction is done.  Applique is a joy, and Alabama Chanin finished garments are to die for.

Right now, my excitement about sewing this skirt far exceeds the amount of time I have at my disposal to play with it.  Still though, pressing on....


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