Monday, January 27, 2014

DIY Skirt - Progress Report

My Alabama Chanin DIY skirt is still progressing along.  Not sure if you can tell from the photo, but it's almost half done.  Only a small part of the upper right is not sewn yet.

I'm liking the look of it and I also really like the feel of it.  The way the fabric feels is actually different after you the all the sewing and cutting.  It has a better drape to it.  I'm excited to finish it and wear it.  The sewing process is slow though and my creative time is pretty limited these days.  It is a blast though and the Olympics are coming soon so that may help me finish it off.

In celebration of the Olympics, we are getting a Tivo.  They are supposed to be easy to use so I'm looking forward to that since our DVR that we have now is simply put horrible.

Meanwhile, I'm catching up on some old shows trying to watch a few things on the old DVR before we kick it to the curb.  I only have 1 more Downton episode left to watch. 

Hope this week ends up being less hectic than it looks like it might be.  Hope that you have a nice week too.  Squeeze some sewing time in.  Just do it!


  1. This is really beautiful! Just wondering whether you made your own stencil? I'm tempted to splurge on one...

  2. This is beautiful! Just wondering whether you made your own stencil? I'm tempted to purchase one from the AC site.
