Monday, February 10, 2014

Hot Air: Airplants Like to Listen to Rock Music

I won't show you photos of the plants in my yard because they are more or less hibernating and looking rather sad.

It's nice and toasty inside so my little air plant is happy as can be.  I play rock music for it - recently Tame Impala's release called Lonerism.  Well, suppose I play it for me too.  Pretty addictive.

Our little kid has been fighting a bug this week.  No fun for him and no sleep for parents.  I'm sure you probably know the drill.  He seems to be on the mend, so perhaps our week will get back on track. 

We took a casual 7 hr drive (each way that is) this weekend to LA for some fun with the extended family.  It was a blast and I made good use of time on the road.  Amazing amounts of progress were made on my skirt.  It's actually almost done!

Ok, it's nowhere near done.  Sorry to excite you.  I did work on it a lot, at least 5 or 6 hours in total and I did get almost all the cutting done on the 2nd of the 4 panels.  As soon as I'm done with that it will be all down hill (pun intended) from here.

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