Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring has sprung: getting to know a stranger

Last year I bought a "Snowball Hydrangea" plant when I was shopping at Filoli.  Ever since I bought's been the plant that makes me go hmmm....

I waited all last summer for it to bloom and all it did was grow really huge and make a LOT of leaves.  No flowers.  At all.

At first I talked sweetly to the plant.  Whispering sweet nothings into its foliage with thoughts of making blooms.  When that didn't work things eventually escalated to me making nasty threats involving a shovel and the compost pile.  

Finally I decided that waiting may pay off, so I left it alone and forgot about it for the most part.

This weekend it decided to produce two very tiny blooms.  They are really quite adorable. 

I'm not exactly sure if the plant itself is an Annabelle Hydrangea or not, but I think that is the other name for this plant.  I'm glad that I didn't kill it after all.

In other news and wanderings, I discovered a very cool shop called Fringe Supply Company when I was in the Sincere Sheep booth at Stitches West.

They carry some interesting looking scissors in their tools section and have some buttons that are made from real horn and bone that are to die for. 

Hope your week is off to a good spring-y start.

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