Thursday, April 3, 2014

Alabama Chanin DIY Skirt: final progress report

You may be sick of hearing about my Alabama Chanin DIY skirt and if you are I have some good news for you.  It's almost done!

This is probably my last progress report on it.  From here on out I have a few evenings left of cutting out pieces but the sewing is finally done.  

Maybe I'll wear it on Easter or something.  Or maybe I'll just wear it to the grocery store.  It's a stretch goal to wear it to my monthly weekend quilting group on Saturday, but I think I might actually make that happen if I get busy in the evenings.  We'll see.  I guess I should probably get some photos of me wearing the finished garment too.

Last weekend we made a lightening fast trip to Chicago to visit a relative on my husband's side of the family, a trip that was long overdue.  Chicago is one of those cities that I think you could explore forever and never be done with it.  I always leave wanting more. 

Details about all that coming up next time.  Hope your week is going well and that you're finding a little time here and there for creative work.

1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo! This skirt is absolutely gorgeous. I hope you'll post a photo of the whole thing when you can. Congratulations!
