Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hello there summer

With warmer weather finally here and some end of the year school activities on the horizon, it seems that summer is either here or almost here.

The family is keeping me busy as usual but in the bleachers of baseball games I'm still making little creations.

The best news is that my argyle sock was indeed found.  It was in the laundry bin.  Don't ask me how or why it got there (it's still clean!) but I'm thrilled to have it back.  So thrilled that I got to work on knitting up the second one while we were at swimming and baseball this weekend.

I'm also sewing along on this sloth project by Kiriki Press that I got a while back.  I'm no embroidery expert but thankfully you don't really have to be to have a little fun with this project.  

My monthly weekend quilt group came over briefly and they were all working on super inspirational projects.  I almost absconded with my friend Carol's book called Teeny Tiny Menagerie which has tons of adorable embroidery patterns in it.  I already ordered a copy of it.  I will have to make some shelf space for it.  It's worth it.  

Hope that you are enjoying some warmer and longer days with more sunshine and some extra time in the garden - like we are.

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