Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's hot - can we go to the beach please now?

It isn't often you see beautiful beach photos in black and white.  The resorts want to show you all the glorious colors of the sky and the water.  

About 2 years ago I was in a state of mind where I only wanted to load my film camera up with black and white film.  I thought it was too progressive to shoot in color.  I've of course gotten over that since, but this shot I took in Maui in 2012 made me want to go there again - too cool off, if nothing else - but it I also kinda want to load up another roll of black and white film sometime soon.

Photography aside, the reality is that I am not heading to Hawaii again any time soon, but I am trying to stay cool and doing my best to entertain myself in parallel.

I've been knitting socks because the take zero prep work and are portable enough for baseball games.  We have been really enjoying a lot of games this year with the boys.

I have a strong urge to finish up some quilting projects still brewing, but the urge to get a little sleep has been winning out over the quilting these days.  I hope when the school year wraps up that I find some cycles to play and maybe start hand quilting a big quilt top.  That would involve me putting all the blocks together on one of my many projects.  

I guess I'll challenge myself to get on the stick and finish a quilt top in May.  That may be too lofty a goal, but it's good to have a stretch goal, right?

Hope your creative work is going well.  If you're heading off to some exotic beach this summer you won't bump into me, but feel free to send me a post card!

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