Sunday, June 1, 2014

Crazy Hair Day

Many mornings I ask the boys if today is crazy hair day.  That is because they don't like to brush their hair or maybe because they just can't remember to do it on normal school days.
The only day when actually want to brush their hair is when it is actual crazy hair day.

Does that make any sense?  

Actual crazy hair day is when you slap as much goop into your hair as you can and get it as high as you can manage.

They looked brilliant this year, as they always do and my DH was behind their extremely cool looks.

Things have been busy for us lately with small changes to stitch here and there.  My lofty goals of finishing a quilt top in May have come and gone as have many distracting moments.

It will be good when more time comes along for creative work.  Until then, and moment or two here and there will have to do.  It's the ebb and flow of things I guess.

I hope you are having a great weekend and that your creative juices are flowing more freely than mine are at this very moment.

The photo above is from our last beach vacation as a family.  I was remembering how much fun it was and wanted to share it with you.

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