Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Japanese Silk Kimono Fabric

A dear friend of the family just returned from Nagano Japan and brought these silk fabrics home for me. 

They are 14" wide and were created for the sewing of kimono but I am very pleased to be their happy owner now!  

I have a small collection of these types of silks. The collection is small because they are very expensive. I used to get them at Kasuri Dye Works back when it was in business in Berkeley California about an hour from where I live. 

I'm hesitant to cut them but I should take the leap. 

Either way they are perfect and I really really love them. 

It has been extremely busy for our family this week. Superfun!  Will catch you up on it all very soon. 


  1. I know how you feel about cutting into that special fabric! I bought plain old quilting fabrics when I was in Japan - 10 years ago - and I still haven't been able to cut into them.

  2. Beautiful silks - I wonder how you will use them? I too have a very small collection and they remain folded in a little shoebox... taken out now and then to be admired... but I haven't made the cut yet either!
