If you are not an addict of her magazine already, I highly recommend you check it out. She is an organic farmer who sells all sorts of dry goods that are produced on her farm. She includes in the publication tons of patterns for aprons, needlework, and other totally awesome home-spun type sewing projects. I ADORE this magazine and save all the back issues. Free sewing patterns included and photos in general are super inspirational.
Downloading the pod cast now, literally cannot wait to listen to it, I LOVE Mary Jane's 'farm girl' mojo.
Ok, and a quick question for you - has anybody out there ever visited or heard of the John C. Campbell Folk School? Lots of traditional hands-on classes there, including tons of quilting classes. It looks interesting...I'm curious.
One last thing - if you live in the states, you MUST WATCH PROJECT RUNWAY tomorrow night! Season 5, first episode. These folks can sew anything, people! Best show on TV, imho.
I'm so bummed that we don't have cable right now because I LOVE Project Runway. We had cable only for a short time, and I was able to watch all the previous season's reruns, and season 4 real time. Looking to catch up with Netflix next summer, I guess.
I'm always intrigued by the ads for the folk school. I would, however, probably just want to move there and never go home. :-)
I am a Project Runway fanatic too! In fact, I begged out of a dinner invitation in order to stay home to watch it. I just loved last night's episode.
Marisa, your little felted scissor ornament is so beautiful! I think everything you do is so lovely...
I wish I too could see project runway!
I know several people who have taken classes at the folk school, and they have said nothing but great things about it. In fact I had a woman in a class I taught recently in Atlanta, who had taken A LOT of classes there.
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