I love how you not only see the solid stars, but the diamonds of patterned fabrics between then. Can you see them too?
In a panic, I ran out of wash away paper for paper piecing (the ONLY paper to use, IMHO) so I clicked over to Columbia River Quilting and had some more shipped. Impossible to find it at my local quilt shops. Their web site is very nice, and they were very good with sending me emails about the order and shipment.
In the last couple of nights, our almost 3 year old has become very very scared of the dark, and sleeping alone in his room. The tiny light of the smoke alarm was blinking and scaring him...there was a scary octopus in his room (no clue where that idea came from)...even the nightlight is scary. It's so tough on him, I just wish I could do something to make him less frightened.
I can remember being scared of things coming out of my closet as a kid.
What was living in the deep dark recesses of your kid room? Monsters, perhaps? Ah, and what does one do to exorcise them? Help!
I wish I could help you with the monsters but I am not sure. I just accept their fears, listen to them and let them know that I used to have the same fears when I was little.
Could you please tell more about the wash away paper piecing? I have never heard about it and wonder what the benefit of it is?
Have a lovely weekend!
Love this pattern, the fabrics are beautiful.
I haven't tried this wash away paper before, may just have to!
Walmart sells lanterns in the camping section that I bought my girls for their rooms, run on batteries. We let them leave them on all night and when they woke up the room was softly lit up so they can see. It helped a lot.
We made a big deal of it and took them shopping and let them pick out the ones they wanted. It worked for us.
Lovely blocks!
Never heard of wash-away foundation paper!
My little niece had problems with going to sleep. Her parents invented a ritual to say goodnight to all the strange and scary things she was supposed to see in the room. They assured her they all went to sleep and they also bought her a little light so the room is not too dark at night.
Good luck!
Very cute pattern!
I was convinced a monster called a Googenheimer lived under my bed. It helped a lot that I shared a room with my sister. My own kids are opposite sex, so they don't share a room. I've found that a small lamp with a low wattage bulb (preferably an eco-friendly one!) is useful, though it has the drawback of seeming to encourage some post-bedtime play in bed. It seems to work a bit better than the night lights.
when my son became monster aware, I made a srpay called "monster away" -- take a spray bottle, fill 1/2-3/4 full with colourful lentils and such, print a "professional label" and adhere it to the bottle. Child can "spray" to heart's content without causing any damage, and it gives them a sense of control.... there was a whole routine of places to spray before getting into bed, then the monster away was tucked under the pillow for easy nighttime access...
When James was small he had the same thing happen. We held an exorcism. Got out all the big pots and wooden spoons and marched from room to room opening doors and yelling stuff like OUT, OUT, OUT(like a lunatic. Then my husband set off some firecrckers(Don't tell anyone)outside and we told him the story about how firecrackers are supposed to chase away all evil demons and monsters. Worked like a charm. I even heard James telling a little friend of his about it. The Mom asked me what they were talking about and I told her-she did the same thing with similar success. Hope it helps. You may substitute bubble wrap for firecrackers! James is 24 and got a huge kick out of it when we reminded him of it.
I've found that wash away paper at my local Hancock Fabric store. They also sell it online.
I looooove that quilt block!!
I once had a dream when I was a kid that the floor was filled with large man-sized holes and snakes and dragons and scary stuff was coming out of them. I stood in one corner screaming and didn't know how to get out of the room... It's still the scariest dream I've ever had...I'm no help at all.
I think really listening to the fears and acknowledging them is the first step. If he knows he can trust you, the fears will be minimized (instead of pushed deeper into himself and turned into a bigger hassle - like bedwetting later on). He may just be saying that he needs a little more attention, since he knows the baby is coming soon.
You might try giving him a few extra bits of attention throughout the day. (10-15 min increments work wonders on my 3 1/2 yr old son).
If he knows you are still there for him, I bet he'll do better. And acknowledging his fears by getting a little lantern sounds like a great idea. Especially letting him choose it!
Good luck!
I saw your comment on greenkitchen and I wanted to let you know that Luminous Threads in Felton is closed on Sun/Mon. If you are coming on one of those days to see Thomas, I would be happy to meet you there. Just shoot me an email. amber(at)luminousthreads.com. Thanks....By the way, I love your quilting style!
Wow is about all one can say about that. That will be one stellar quilt!
we went the befriending route when M had monsters in her cupboard. she made them a card and left them out a plate of their favourite food (raw cauliflower, apparently). in the morning they'd eaten the food and left her a present in return (a dvd of monsters inc.). so then she had one who was her friend - lol, i typed fiend :) - and he dealt with any others who came along to bother her afterwards. she drew us pictures of her friendly monster which was cool too, i think that helped her get it out of her head and onto paper.
btw should have said hello :) i just found your blog and i think i'll stick around if that's ok :)
I saw this quilt while searching for baby boy quilt on someone else's site. I have seen this technique and pattern before, but this is by far the most beautiful scrappy diamond paper pieced quilt i've seen.
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