Thursday, May 10, 2007

All dressed up

Today Wee Wonderfuls blog has a post about the quilt that I made for Hillary's coming-soon baby girl.

It's a little quilt with apples on it, and has a totally crazy label on the back with more of my wanna be copperplate calligraphy all over it in this wild manner.

I had so much fun making it that I'm tempted to make another one.

The bunny above is from a pattern from her site, and I finally got my act together and made this little darlin' a dress. I put some french knots on there to dress it up, and after Kleas had a post on stamping out felt and wool, I took some hand dyed 100% wool fabric, and punched out a couple of flowers.


  1. DId you use Muslin for the face? (I have all of her patterns, but I am frozen over fabric choices... Ditto Denyse Schmidt's cat - the deciding factor in buying her book, I might add - I think I can fake her patterns - I am definately not going to use templates...)

  2. Cute dress! I love the french knot placement.

  3. The quilt you made for Hillary's baby is absolutely beautiful and I LOVE your label! This little bunny is adorable too (another guilty owner of the pattern who hasn't used it yet!).

  4. I love your calligraphy. I think a quilt with calligraphy blocks (just like penmanship practice rather than a "saying")interspersed with blank blocks. My vision, funny as I don't quilt and I am crap at calligraphy. Just living vicariously through others!

  5. love the lively fabric you chose for your bunny...and i'm happy to see you're using the sizzix punches :)

  6. your wee bunny came out so cute!

    i thought of you the other day when i was in LA's japan town :)

  7. You are too talented! and inspirational . . . I'm getting some ideas from you.

  8. I saw the quilt you made... it's BEAUTIFUL! Loved your label too.

    I love your bunny and the fabs you used!
