Thursday, May 31, 2007


This is the wild twin block to the taupe block I posted yesterday. Another product of a long weekend, and a chance to get a thing or two quilted.

This block is the block that goes to my sister's wedding quilt and the taupe one will stay at home with me.

I'm thinking and wondering if I should go and check out the closing sale "last days" of this quilt shop I used to go to. Their fabric is all going to be 50% off in a couple of days, but not sure if I need anything and selection is likely to be pretty bad...but still...maybe some backings lurking there.


  1. This block looks great too! I'm having trouble trying to decide which one I like better. I went to Whiffle Tree Quilts today... They do still have a bunch of stuff, but I'm not sure how much they'll still have when it goes to 50%... or even 75%. Honestly, it was a little sad going there. It's pretty empty.

  2. I have been visiting your blog and really enjoy your beautiful quilts.
    About the store, check it out, you never know what surprises are to be found.

  3. Your productivity is awe-inspiring! Beautiful work....

  4. This is stunning, the colors and the intricacy! Wow, wow, wow!
