Saturday, June 2, 2007

Flower nabbing

I am guilty as charged. My best friend from childhood has an amazing ability to grow hydrangeas and her "popcorn hydrangea" bush 'accidently' lost this bloom as I was leaving her house this afternoon.

The darn thing stuck to me, leaped into my car, and was spirited away to the ledge on my kitchen sink window. These accidents do happen...theft? Certainly a gray area.

I must warn you before you read any further. If you are likely to buy beautiful fabric online from either Japan or Liberty of London for that may not want to click this link. Wow, they have some very cool stuff. Had no idea that Liberty fabrics were being sold in such small pieces. Danger...warning...!! Perhaps better to avoid the Japan links here...


  1. what a lovely collection of Japannese fabrics! I managed to drool without shorting out my computer keyboard, by leaving my purse and Credit card safely in the other room :-)

  2. Is that a good price for Liberty? (I have a limited local supply that I can get in 1/4 yards as well = I am not sure the price off hand, but is was more that I wanted to pay at the time... Luckily they put out coupons on occasion...)
