Saturday, July 14, 2007

Garden Give Up

Ever since we bought our house some years ago, my husband has lovingly and caringly mowed our lawn just about every weekend.

With the recent arrival of his Father's Day bike trailer, it as become aparent that taking bike rides on the weekend is more fun that fussing with the grass.

I managed to get our neighbor's gardener to start taking over our grass starting next week.

He feels like he's giving up pride in our home, but I think more family time on the weekend is well worth the service charge.

In other news, my quilt group friend "Betsy", (she makes a TON of quilts, check out her blog) send me a couple links to new patters.

This one is by one of my all time favorites, Jeanna Kimball. This one also looks pretty cool, I may break down and have to get both of them.


  1. Thanks for the quilt patten links, Marisa~ That "hearts and hands" one looks GORGEOUS.

  2. Buy them both! I especially love the Hearts & Hands pattern...your post made me dig my copy out. It would be lovely in taupes, no?
