Thursday, August 2, 2007

Adorable wrap!

This is a photo of the adorable wrapping around my doll quilt, that included the world's cutest ever pin w/ yo-yo and buttons.

My doll quilt partner, Louise, wrote a post about how she got the inspiration for the quilt, which is a cute story - check it out.

Life's good for us here these mom is visiting and taking care of our almost-2-yr old during the day. This means happy baby, well rested baby, no all translates to a happy, healthy family in general.

I spread the rumor that she is staying at least until Halloween, but I'm not sure I will actually con her into staying that long.

One of the most brilliant parts about the trip is we each decided to start the same quilt together. She's doing 1 in her colors, and mine is taupes, of course.

More teaser pix soon....

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what you do with your taupes.

    I did not mention it on my blog, but I got 2 inch charms from Pinwheels at the quilt show in Hershey. & I got a fat bundle of non-pinwheels taupes there as well.

    I am hoping that by working with the charms I will gather up the nerve to work with the bigger pieces. - a 2 foor tall stach of mostly fat quarters is a bit excessive & embarrassing....

    Now do I just sew them together as squares? Or do I cut them with my thimble tumbling block template?
