Saturday, August 4, 2007

New quilt in progress - teaser only

Sneak peak at the taupe quilt I just 'star'ted. I wonder if you can guess what pattern it is...

And oh, some huge news...I got my confirmation for the Road to California quilt show in January - I'm in! All the classes I signed up for had enough space for me.

I'll be learning how to become a quilt appraiser. How fun is that. Many steps to getting certified, but taking 3 whole days of classes sounds like a good start.


  1. Hunter's star..... Very nice. Some friends of mine mine this at our sewing retreat - you needed to concentrate.

  2. looks like a beautiful lone star is underway at your studio :-)

  3. since i don't know much a about quilting {just that i love quilts!} i couldn't guess the pattern, but it looks great already.
    what a great thing to be a quilt appraiser!
    good luck in your classes, sounds like fun.

  4. What exactly does a quilt appraiser do? Antique quilts or quilt shows or what?

  5. Wow! That looks great, very tricky but great. Can't wait to see the finished project.
    By the way, I love the doll quilt that you got from LuLu. The little apron in the middle was just gorgeous and the wrapping.... DIVINE!!!

