Friday, September 14, 2007

Pearl of a Purl

I cannot stop shopping at Purl. They have the cutest fabrics on earth.

If you live in NYC or So Cal, you can visit them in person...oh to do that someday...

This fabric is linen, and was a gift from my parents for my birthday last month. I'm thinking placemats or something. Anyhow, it's lovely. Just the feel of it makes me smile.

Ok, going a bit nuts with the sidebar of links these days, but I cannot help it. There are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many cool blogs out there.

My latest cool discovery came through a link at Lynn's Craftsew (I read this blog ALL the time - it's awesome). Her sidebar includes a link to the i heart linen blog. It's beautiful too!


  1. Marisa, thanks for the mention! It's nice to know that people actually read my ramblings... Rashida from i heart linen is a sweetheart. I have my heart set on using linen in the next quilt I am making because of her! I had no idea purl opened a shop in socal, I may have to make a special trip down to check it out!

  2. The one in NYC is tiny. But lots of pretty eye candy. 5 people in the store at one time would make it over crowded.

  3. Where oh where is the So Cal shop? I couldn't find mention of it. thank you ;-)

  4. That fabric is lovely!

    I just wanted to say thanks for having me in your sidebar by the way! I so need to update my links on my page, but I am waiting because I am redoing the look of my blog completely. I figure I might as well do it all at once, right! :)
