Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Welcome to our ool

Tonight, we had our first ever swim lesson.

It reminded me of my childhood friend's pool. She had a sign that said "Welcome to our ool. Please help us keep the P out."

I'm wondering of all the thousands of kids that cycle through that swim school, how many of them actually observe that little rule. After dunking my own head, perhaps I don't want to know the answer.

Over at Wee Toes and Noggins blog - it looks like Wendy has broken down and bought her first Japanese fabric. Her creation is so adorable, you really should check it out.

Above is the 2 yr old block - signed! Another 14 to go and we'll have a quilt.


  1. Thanks for the mention! I just got a package of fabric that surprisingly contained another fat quarter of a Japanese canvas (Wizard of Oz), so looks like another girly drawstring bag is in order.

  2. I was wondering what you were going to do with these number blocks! What a great idea.... but now I have to wait 14 years to see the finished project!

  3. What Lynn said! Another 14 years! That's some WIP. We'll be devoted readers for years to come!
