Thursday, October 4, 2007

4th Anniversary

Today is my 4th wedding anniversary.

This morning I woke up to an amazing breakfast including pancakes, ham, and eggs (not bad for a Thursday).

My husband is a romantic at heart, and still calls me "sweetie bride" around the house. These years have flown by at a pace that I would not have imagined back in my single days. I suppose that's what happens when you're having fun. Thank you Sweetpea for making this time so incredible.

The above quilt was a wedding gift from my small quilt group. They worked on it for a year before they gave it to me.

They entered it into a quilt show, and the title of it was called "Marisa, this is your wedding gift."

I went to the quilt show with them and was standing looking at this awesome little quilt wondering where I could get the pattern for it. One of my friends said, "Gee, I wonder what the title of this quilt is?"

When I read it, and understood it was made in honor of our wedding, I was crying, and very moved that these amazing quilt artists put so much effort and love into one of my alltime favorite gifts. It hangs above our fireplace now.

I also started to make a wedding quilt with signatures...(based on the Sarah Johnson quilt) but I'll save that story for another post.


  1. What a wonderful gift! I almost teared up just reading that!
    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy anniversary! We must all be softies, because I started tearing up too when I read that!

  3. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful post! (And the quilt is fabulous!)

  4. Happy Anniversary!
    More tears here... what dear women to make such a lovely gift and present it that way... great story!

  5. What a GREAT story! Happy anniversary!

  6. Happy Anniversary! What an amazing gift:)
