Thursday, November 15, 2007

Japanese Fabric Collection

My fabric collection is one of my most beloved tools.

I put a lot of time and energy into finding just the right tones, textures and colors so that the next project will push my creative limits and become something beautiful.

A lot of quilters call their fabric collection a "stash" and I'm not sure I like the sound of that.

"Stash" - sounds like some disease you should have treated, or a bad habit of filling up your spare bedroom with items you will never use or need.

My fabric is my 'collection', and my tool to create what I love. I'm thrilled to have such a well stocked arsenal.

Where do I end up looking for fabric these days? Here's my top 5 shops (this week at least!).

The above fabric was purchased from this shop

Love their Japanese section

Not sure what type of fabric this is called but for lack of a better description "Japanese cute" is probably pretty close. Shop owners have excellent selection.

More Japanese cute is here, but these guys don't ship to the states.

Adorable fabrics, very nice customer service, awesome.

Material Poessessions - quilt shop near where my mom and sister live, they have a great taupe collection in their shop (I don't buy online here, I do it in person).

Got some other links for me? Please let me know!!


  1. I never thought of the word stash in that sense, but it makes sense. It made me laugh to read about the rash part. Seeing some of your fabrics, I really think it's appropriate to call it a collection. Your fabric collection is gorgeous.

    Two of my favorite places to get Japanese fabric is from 2 Etsy sellers based in Japan. The shipping is super fast and they always give you extra goodies/treats.

  2. Are you allowed to use your collection? I know stamp collectors that would not dream of using their collections.

  3. Ha! I agree with you about the word stash.
    I was going to suggest a little goodness [Etsy] but oiyi beat me to it.


  4. Have you tried Pinwheels? They are the US importer of real Daiwabo fabrics.

  5. ahhh collection -- now there's a word that encourages enjoying not only the process of acquiring, but also the product itself :-)

  6. You are a lucky girl! I usually buy my fabric when a certain project comes to mind. My mind is usually empty, hence a lame stash:(

  7. I've always thought "stash" was a bit too criminal sounding, as if I might be injecting or snorting my fabric. I rather liked "arsenal" since "collection" does imply to me something that you never intend to use, as Calico Cat mentioned. Oh! Then when I get out my favorite fabric to use I could casually say something like, "This project requires the use of The Big Guns."

  8. I do like the idea of giving our fabrics a more dignified and respectable label... because, yes, otherwise it sounds like something to be ashamed of, like something that needs an ointment. How about "resources," "assets," "palette," or "inventory?" I like your suggestion: Tools. I am taking notes about your shopping suggestions. A few days ago I made my first fabric online purchase at Reprodepot... it made me giddy!

  9. Fantastic collection.

    Thanks for the links.
    ciao ciao

  10. Another link here for you with lots of Japanese fabric

  11. Hi

    I have a etsy store sale japanese fabric.

    Have a nice day.

    IKOplus Fabric
