Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dear Jane block, and unplanned hat felting

Well, I'm back on track, and making more Dear Jane blocks for my sister's wedding quilt. Here's the first one, a taupe colored block made with Japanese fabrics.

I'll show you the 1800's reproduction block next time. (remember...I'm making all the blocks twice!)

Oh, in other news, my husband woke me up the other morning to say that there had been a laundry accident.

Our naughty little 2 yr old had tossed his brand-new-knitted-by-mommy-with-Japanese-imported-yarn-from-Superbuzy hat into the laundry basket. My husband, being a good husband, took all the laundry and threw it into the washing machine.

The hat, of course is tiny, and felted. Still cute, but in no way useful for the giant head of our kid.

Making lemonade out of lemons, I passed it along to one of my favorite babies who is just 1 year old, and has a very adorable and tiny little carrot top head.

Glad it could find such a cutie pie owner, and I guess since it's felted...all those annoying little holes are gone!


  1. laundry accidents happen -- at least this one was salvagable :-)

  2. Love your block! Dear Jane has always intimidated me.

    I am glad you had someone to give your lemonade hat to!

  3. Cheers for a happy, though felted ending. Merry Christmas!

  4. I just wanted pop in and say Merry Christmas!!!

  5. oh my. glad you could at least find a use for the laundry accident... :)
