Part of me was wondering if I would complete it before summer.
Wanted to model it for you, and thank you knitter guru girls for your support and encouragement. I used this yarn from Make Make.
Not that it wasn't fun to work with yarn...but the fabric is calling me....will have some more Dear Jane/Dear Hannah tiny blocks for you soon!
It looks great! I love the colors!
Wow, you did awesome!!! It really turned out nicely!
Cool hat. I love the texture of the yarn. I'm a crocheter from way back. When I tried knitting, I felt like all of my fingers were thumbs. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Very cute! I'm sure he'll love it.
Uh-oh... I hope you are prepared to make one more, because it looks awesome on your pretty head!
Wow Marisa, that looks great! And you have been busy! I love the little frog. I can't wait to see the Dear Jane and Dear Hannah blocks. I think the more I see of them the more I want to start a quilt too! Maybe I'll see you at the SCVQA holiday party tonight?
The hat looks great! It's a wonderful color.
So nice that green knit hat! You've been tagged Marisa. :D
Green is my favorite color, your hat looks great! It looks as if your eyes match too :)
That hat looks great! My sister makes the best baby hats and I wish she would make me one. I love the color of your hat, green is the best! Good Job!!
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