Wednesday, July 2, 2008

300th post - oh so much to say!

What can one say except for "WOW" on your 300th blog post. Not sure I have ever had this much fun.

Deep bow to each and every reader out there who takes the time to come along for the ride here. Thank you!

Emily from Ravenhill was kind enough to bestow the "Arte y Pico" blogger award to me (I'm blushing here) for being a creative blogger with originality. Thanks for the honor! I get to pick 5 other bloggers to pass it along to, here goes.

Award looks like this (ooohhh....ahhhh) - 1. Pink Chalk Studio - lovely projects here, very 'art quilty' feel, beautiful photos, huge inspiration.

2. Moving hands - would you like a little Japanese flavor with your crafting addiction? Oh so beautiful projects, pictures of Japan, loooooooove this blog, makes me want to move to Japan.

3. Oiyi's Crafts - for a woman with a tiny baby, this blog has way too many cool creations to be true. Encourages me to be myself, not just a mom, but a crafty artistic person.

4. I heart linen - If you don't read this blog yet - what planet are you living on?! Hello! Rashida lived in Japan, works with lots of imported fabrics, is a super-mom, just started working on her own book, and would have to be my personal best friend if she lived anywhere near San Jose, California (which she doesn't - boo!).

5. Kirin Notebook - Lara not only makes the most adorable things on earth, but she does it with her own self-designed fabrics. be that cool...

(Rules below at the end of this post, if you want to continue with the fun for those of you who I named.)

Our friends at Moo have done it again. They are now offering FULL SIZED business cards. Ok... must have these...they are so affordable, and have the same incredible feature of allowing you to put a different picture on each and every single business card (pack of 50 = up to 50 different images).

Finally, that super tiny tiny pin cushion above is a gift I made for my sister. You may remember the strawberry one I made a while back.

I sent her one before, but it was lost in the mail, so my mom agreed to hand carry this one so it would not be lost in the universe again. This time, I got fancy fancy, and attached a silk ribbon to it, so she can hang it off her favorite pair of scissors while quilting and have a very handy spot to park the needle when taking a little break.

Award rules below:
1) Choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award based on creativity, design, interesting material, and overall contribution to the blogger community, regardless of the language.
2) Post the name of the author and a link to his or her blog by so everyone can view it.
3) Each award-winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award.
4) The award-winner and the presenter should post the link of the “Arte y pico“blog , so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) Please post these rules.


  1. Marisa, wow 300, that is a lot of fun! I found you the other day through a google search for that wonderful Japanese quilt designer whose name escapes me at the moment. You have a beautiful space here. I have had a great time meandering through the pages of your creations and musings. Congrats on the soon to be baby. The quilts are darling! You definitely deserve this award. Thanks for sharing so much of your creating! Love Stacy

  2. Congratulations on the milestone post & the award! You definitely deserve it.

  3. Thank you so much for including me in your list! Your blog is very fresh and original to me. :-)


    (Would you allow other blogs besides blogger ones to type in addresses in the ID line?)

  4. Congratulations on #300 and the Arte y Pico award! Very much deserved. And I love the teeny, tiny pincushions.

  5. Congratulations on your 300th post! That is an incredible milestone and reminds me that I surely haven't had time to read every post you have written so far, but I have read a fair number now!!! I have received my first order from Pinwheels and am crazy about the fabrics. Now I just have to decide what to do with them!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Congratulations on your 300th and congratulations on your award! Thanks for the links, I'm just going to check them out now.

  7. Oh wow! 300 posts! :) Congrats on reaching that point!

  8. Wow, congrats on the 300th post.

    Thank you for choosing me. I feel so honored. It made me so happy to read what you wrote. Most of my family and friends in real life cannot understand why I create. They think it's because I am a Stay At Home Mom with nothing to do. and I both know how hard it is to create with a kid to take care of.

  9. I'm all super later to the party! Hah! Congratulations on your 300th post! Here's to 300 more! Thanks so much for mentioning me. I'm so flattered! *blushes* You rock Marisa! ^_^
