Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fabric from Singapore

In my post office box I got the most lovely package.

Mona, from Singapore, sent me the most amazing Victorian inspired fabric complete with silhouettes as part of the print!

It was such a sweet gesture and it really warmed my heart so very much.

Thanks a million Mona.

The fabric is designed by Micci for Yuwa fabric company. I am not too familiar w/ this designer, but I am off to read more about it.

I'll be working more on the silhouette project tomorrow so stay tuned for updates! My first adventure with resin.


  1. How fun to get neat packages in the mail!

  2. The fabric is beautiful! What a nice suprise!! Can't wait for our adventures with resin tomorrow :)

  3. That fabric is too cute!! It must be difficult having nice people all around the world sending you little presents.. What a hard life you lead, Miss Marisa. :)

    Haha, love and miss you!!
