Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hope that this Easter finds your family together, happy, healthy and relaxed.

I made this bunny ages ago from Hilary's pattern, found on the beautiful and famous Wee Wonderfuls blog. Her patterns are adorable and very easy to follow.

If you don't have a copy of this bunny pattern yet, you might want to pick one up. I loved making it and I'm usually not a huge fan of stuffed dolls.

We will be hunting eggs and eating our usual Easter breakfast treat. Best wishes to you.


  1. It's very cute, I didn't used to do soft toys either but when there are little ones around, you end up making the odd ones.

  2. Oh man. I was going to just pop in and wish you a Happy Easter, but now my mind is deeply absorbed in "usual Easter breakfast treat." We totally NEED a *usual Easter breakfast treat.*
    Happy Easter!

  3. my Easter found me jumping rope with my 12 yr old cousins in the middle of the street after margaritas and chocolate.

    hope you had a good one!

  4. Hi, Marisa. Thank you for stopping by my blog. :-)
    I read Yoko Saito use a porcelain thimble to protect her finger under the quilt. So I tried it but didn't work with me.:-(

    BTW, Have you seen Yoko's newest book?? It called "Taupe Color study book" and looks wonderful.*S*
