Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween - a global holiday!

I've been many places on this amazing planet, but I've always been right here at home in the good old USA during Halloween.

Maybe that's why I assumed (wrongly!) that it's a global holiday where kids all over the world put on their scary costumes that mom made...or was too busy to make and just ordered online this year.

My German friend reminded me that it's pretty much an American thing. That made me feel sad for all the rest of the kids, and so lucky to live here.

Our 4 yr old is really looking forward to it, and our pumpkins are carved and ready to go.

We visited Uesugi Farms and came home with around 8 pumpkins. Wow. Pony ride was a big hit.

So I finished quilting the mini quilt I was working on, and I also finished my Mom's birthday gift knitted scarf (I still don't really know how to knit) so pictures of those coming soon.

Meanwhile, re-falling in love with the funky Everybody's Free (to wear sunscreen) remix on the Romeo and Juliet 10th anniversary remix album.

Totally in love with the art of Leah Giberson - groovy. Her work will some day grace my walls.


  1. i love your white pumpkins, have a great halloween.

  2. We don't really have Halloween here in Australia, not like America but it is becoming popular for parties and some kids do trick or treat if it's organised with the houses first.

  3. I lived in France 30 years ago and no one believed what I said about Halloween -- they informed me that it was an invention of Hollywood and just in the movies! But 2 or 3 years ago I was in Europe over Halloween and saw some Halloween decorations. It may be catching on! My dad said Halloween was a time for pranks when he was growing up in the 20's here in the States, but no one went trick-or-treating back then.
    I don't comment often, but I love looking at your quilt postings.

  4. Wow, two finished objects in one week. Congrats! We can't wait for Halloween too :) Give yourself some creadit woman, you certainly know how to knit. How else would you finish two gorgeous scarfs when you have not one, but two little munchkins to take care of!!

  5. Like everything else it was originally a pagan festival where todays traditions can be traced to a variety of cultures - the irish carved turnips into fces to ward off evil spirits for example. It is traditionally a harvest festival and a celebration of the dead.
    The modern associations are too americanised and commerical, and too far off the original for me.
