Friday, October 23, 2009

Knit Nite

I started a weekly knitting night with some girlfriends, but I don't knit!

What in the world was I thinking? Well...that I could use the time to quilt of course.

Perhaps I should confess that I do think about knitting a lot, even though I basically just buy yarn and put it in a basket.

The quilt that I'm quilting is only about 30 min shy of being fully quilted so perhaps my next post will include a picture of it 'done' before the binding gets on at least.

I found some more PIQF quilt show pix posted here. Oh, and in my last post, that cathedral windows quilt was designed as a giant picture of a tree frog. Seriously! It's a frog! Is that not the coolest ever?


  1. I'm so glad you started knitting night! I'm having such a blast and maybe I'll learn a little bit about quilting :) Next week's agenda - HAT HEEL, HAT HEEL! Here's a link

  2. Thank you for the link to the photos, it was great to see them. Enjoy your knitting, it can make for a nice change.
