Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pacific International Quilt Festival 2009

PIQF 2009 has come and gone and I am a little sad that it's over.

The show was pretty good this year and I had a huge amount of fun.

I had the extreme pleasure of assisting Cindy Brick as the quilt appraiser for the show, so I got to see a lot of awesome quilts and learned a huge ton from her. She is really an incredible appraiser as well as quilt judge and quilt restorer. If you ever have the chance to meet her and have an appraisal done, I would highly recommend it.

After my day of appraisal assisting, I spent the next day running around with my camera and doing a little shopping. I didn't get a lot of things, but I did pick up a few cool items.

The quilts at the show were of course the real fun. I took tons of pictures for you (of course) but since there were so many quilts I only photographed the ones that I loved and the ones that I had time to run around and see. There were so many more awesome quilts that I wish I could have taken pictures of all of them.

That being said, if you did not get to go, please enjoy my flickr slide show:

PIQF 2009

Oh, and if you are new around here, I've been posting these quilt show photos for a while. Check out 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 if you like. (that ought to keep you busy!)

I have found 1 other set posted so far this year by GoDutchBaby here.

The above photo of the cathedral windows quilt has a very special twist to it - do you get it? The quilt is so beautiful in person and was made by Leigh Cabell from Denver Colorado.


  1. Thank you for sharing the slide show, the quilts are incredible, I'll have to come back a couple of times to really appreciate them.

  2. what a wonderful show, love so many of the quilts.
    I know how I will be spending a few hours today, looking over these quilts again and again!
    thanks so much for sharing them
    Can't wait to hear more about your day with cindy brick.

  3. Wonderful slideshow, thank you! Kind of overwhelming, too.

  4. Marissa, you're no reply blogger, just thought I'd let you know. Not sure about the clover thimble yet, still getting used to it.

  5. Thanks for the link! I'm slowly posting about this show on my blog:

    Your slide show is very impressive!

  6. Oh wow, Marisa, the quilts in your slide show were absolutely stunning. It truely amazes me how creative people can be.

  7. Hope you had a great time at the Pacific Int'l Quilt Festival. It is always a great show and, of course, I always like seeing the many quilts made with Asian fabrics!!

    C Douglas Eagleson
    Kona Bay Fabrics

  8. Thank you so very much for taking us with you to the show! :) I can't wait to see!!!
    Hugs from Emily - have a lovely weekend!
