Friday, April 23, 2010

Handspun yarn

I've been playing around with spinning yarn lately, and I ended up tripping over some 150's Merino fiber in a light purple color.

Have you ever felt 150's merino wool? It's softer than cashmere. I bought the fiber at A Verb For Keeping Warm and I'm going to take a dying class over there this weekend.

The shawl pattern is Haruni (check it out on ravelry here) and is my first attempt at lace. I wouldn't say it was easy for me, but the result is very pretty so I'm glad I tried it.

My friend Sharon started this project and I couldn't resist also trying it. Check out her version over at Knits are for Kids.

Not sure if there is any quilting on deck for this weekend, it will be a busy one. I'll do what I can to squeeze some in.

For those of you afraid of trying new things, I found this really cute poster with a quote about failing by Samuel Beckett:

Ever Tried
Ever Failed
No Matter
Try Again
Fail Again
Fail Better

Here's to failing better next time around! (I think that applies to my efforts to learn to knit.)


  1. I love the color! And the lace is just beautiful. I can't wait to feel the yarn.

  2. Marisa, I am late on this here, as always, but I really had to gasp seeing those things: you are spinning, a beautiful yarn and knitting a totally adorable lace... so delightful!
