Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring has sprung....and what I learned from sleep talkers

There is always a weekend in spring in which our family plants the garden.

We have the obligatory heirloom tomato plants and this year we are expanding to also add some pepper plants. Not just any pepper plants - no, we are planting Padron Peppers. 90% of them are mild, but watch out for the last 10%. It's an exciting game of Russian Roulette when you eat them.

Hm, I wonder how that will go over with the kids...

Anyhow, the other night I was tucking in our baby (still a baby! not 2 yet!!) and he was saying actual words in is sleep. This is the first time I have heard him say English words while he was dreaming. Before this, he was just talking in baby talk.

So adorable to see how his brain develops, and makes me feel honored to teach him about language and communication.

I think he was dreaming of toys from what I can gather.

I've also been spending my weekends learning how to dye fiber for making yarn. It's been really fun and interesting but I have 1 more class in the series before it's over. We'll see if I can successfully make anything out of it.


  1. Colleen said...
    Is that a liberty hat? So cute about the sleep talking! And yes, they are definitely still babies!

  2. So nice to see kids helping in the garden. I had no luck starting pepper seeds this year but our tomatoes are doing really well.

  3. Fun that you're planting a garden with your child. It has always been fun to have our daughter go out to the garden and just start eating off the snap pea vines or perch in front of the blueberry bushed and enjoy fresh goodies. May you have a bountiful harvest!

  4. There's nothing to beat bringing up children, great photo, lovely story. Lis x
