Sunday, June 13, 2010

Found it!

Just a quick note to let you know I cleaned off my desk, and yes - there is still a desk under all that clutter. Good to know.

Also a recommendation that you check out my friend Sharon's newly completed shawl - WOW-Beautiful. She's an actual knitter, I have learned so much from her.

In case you are planning on going to Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara, takes place in October and the class schedule just came out yesterday. I'm thinking I'll sign up for the Hawaiian quilting class. It's very short, and I have wanted to make a Hawaiian quilt for a long time.

I also wanted to volunteer to assist Deb Roberts in quilt appraisal this year, but she already has several folks wanting to assist her so unclear if I will end up doing that or not. Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed I guess. Still trying to further my education in quilt appraisals.


  1. Hope the appraising thing works out for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  2. A clear desk! That is such a great feeling. :) Thanks for the linkage too!

  3. Hey - thanks for the link :) A clean desk?? That's quite an accomplishment. I can only seem to find my desk once or twice a year. Hope the appraisal (sp?) thing works out!!

  4. Your desk looks so nice I may have to give mine a decluttering - I don't remember what colour it is.

  5. you are so funny. i was just looking at my husbands desk yesterday and wondering if there is a desk under there. i love the idea of making a hawaiian quilt. sounds fun.

  6. How funny, I was just considering taking that Hawaiian quilt class too! Maybe I can actually meet you!
