Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm still at it here.

I'm still at it with my reproduction signature quilt. Lots more work ahead but I got some squares started last night during our knit night which is progress so I'll take it.

We found out that our friend in the group, Sharon, who I mentioned in my last post, is having a baby girl. Oh...finally! A baby girl will be around. What a blessing to our little circle off friends and the universe in general (especially if she's half as smart as her mommy).

Life has been so busy lately that I will confess that my creative endeavors are not progressing at a very fast pace. I'm going to chalk it off to the ebb and flow of things.

Because it's been a little on the busy side, I will break a couple of blog traditions here for you. I never post more than one picture, and rarely any of myself. Well, here goes. Just keeping it light. Sorry, it's a little corny.


  1. That is one lovely pile of fabrics! The quilt is going to be awsome, Marisa:) Oh, how I love corn on the cob - so nice to see you! Yay for two pics in a post;) Sounds like you have a lovely group. Hugs and smiles, Una

  2. I love your sense of humor and lust after your fabrics! Karmen

  3. You crack me up! And yes, you are super corny and I love it. :)
