Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Going In Circles

We just had our end of the year party for my knitting/quilting group.

It was a blast.  There is always an exciting white elephant exchange where beautiful and coveted items are lovingly exchanged and stolen and re-stolen among friends.

We had a nice warm dinner, and some naughty but nice ice cream and key lime cookies for dessert.  

Even some charming husbands joined us, so it was a nice way to basically wrap up our creative year.

I ended up spinning some yarn for the exchange, and it went to a very good home.  That's me at my Matchless wheel above, spinning around and around and around

Photo by my beautiful and talented photographer-sister.

I'm always curious to see what people do with my yarn.  I'm still learning about how it will turn out as a garment.

It feels like Christmas is only around a week away.  Oh right...it basically is!  I'm ready to spend some serious time with the kids.  That's what I'm asking Santa for. 

Did you ask for anything special this year?

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... I asked for your used matchless spinning wheel :) :) :)
