Thursday, December 15, 2011

Little Elf Under My Tree

I took a few photos of my little one playing with the Thomas train under our tree.  He loves to operate it even though sometimes it comes off the tracks and he needs a little help to get it going again.

This time of year we try to cut over to some Christmas themed kids books during evening story book time.  Even though Velveteen Rabbit was first published in 1922, it starts off with the rabbit's arrival in a Christmas stocking, so I like to re-read it.  So timeless.  My older one just loves it.  

I'm about to start to play with my patchwork ornaments.  Most of the shopping is done now, and the time for resting with family feels like it's getting nearer.   I'm looking forward to not having to wake up early, and to have little boys bouncing around in my lap.

Busy times for my friends these days:

My friend Sharon of Knits are for Kids is off spinning up a very colorful storm.  Check out her latest hand spun yarn here, and her flickr stream here for some beautiful photos.

My friend Susan of So Sue has been off taking in the sunshine in Hawaii, but managed to tear herself away from the beach to review some local quilt shops for you here. She's also been doing some beautiful paper piecing (adorable).

On my to-do list for an eventual trip to Southern California is to stop in at Down Home Country Antiques as Dawn of Collector With A Needle mentions.  You know I'm a sucker for an antique quilt.

When I was reading this post at Quilting with the Past, I got interested in making some knit ornaments from the "55 Christmas Balls to Knit" book.  I have some yarn imported from Norway that would be perfect for these.


  1. cute picture! ok I too was inspired by Lucy's ornaments, I am tempted to give them a try even though I am a beginner knitter in mho. Can't wait to see the ones you make, keep us posted ok?
    Merry Christmas and enjoy every minute with your children they grow up way too fast,

  2. Sounds like everything is in good order for a happy Christmas. May it stay merry and bright!

  3. So cute! Thanks for the link :) The fiber bug has bitten me of late. I'm a postaholic right now.

  4. Yarn for norway!? Wow! They are going to look great :) have a great time at the antique store, score something good!
