Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blue and White Japan by Amy Katoh and searching for the Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival

By this time in January, the Tokyo Dome quilt show is in full swing and plenty of bloggers have been there and shared their photos.

This year I haven't seen any photos pop up yet, so I am wondering what kind souls will be posting their photos.  Have you seen any pix?  AHHHH!!!  I'm going to die if I don't see some photos soon!!!  Don't tempt me to go there myself next year!

To keep the Japanese Quilting tendencies happy, and after reading Lis' blog post over at Piece n Peace blog, I broke out my copy of Amy Katoh's book called Blue and White Japan.
I have the version that was published in 1996/1997.  There are other versions that were printed more recently.  It discusses why blue and white are the most perfect combination of color, and at some level I have to agree.  It's clean, simple and very easy on the eye.

Lately I've been gravitating to the color combo of turquoise and olive green, but's certainly not as peaceful as blue and white.
Anyhow, if you are looking to learn about indigo or Japanese textiles, this book is awesome.  I want to visit the shop in Japan someday.

In other news, I've recently become obsessed with knitting striped yarn from Twisted Limone  - an indie Brit dyer.  It's so wild and colorful.  I cannot help but be seduced.  I named my project, "She Blinded Me With Legwarmers".


  1. there are some images from the Tokyo Quilt Festival here:

  2. Jan at Be*mused is just starting her Tokyo pictures - she just got home. She will have a Flickr album for them.

  3. OK, I guess I need to post some pictures.One of my friends went the first day and posted some very nice pictures including the opening ceremony. I chose the most crowded day to go. at almost five and a half feet I used to be "tall" but these days I can't see over the crowd let alone get a picture!

  4. Hang on! ;-) I just got home and will be posting about the show and putting up another Flickr album next week. Coincidentally, I visited Amy Katoh's shop, Blue & White, while I was in Tokyo. Wonderful shop!

  5. I had a good visit with Amy Katoh today and told her she was bouncing around on the blogs.
    The quilt show was great but I found out it is better to go nearer the end because of the crowds (and maybe the big snow on Tuesday). I wish I knew how to do the slide show thing. After four posts I got most up. Part #4 has the descriptions a bit off. I just can't line those up with the pictures either. Lack of English at the show is a big problem but the quilts were terrific.
