Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Modern Architecture Applique Quilt Block: inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright

Last weekend I taught our applique class at Verb (now carrying Liberty fabric - w00t!).  The block is our 9th block in a series inspired by modern architects and the work they have done in Northern California.

This block specifically was inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House which is located basically on campus at Stanford University.  It was a real blast to make.  You'll have to let me know if you think it captures the spirit of the home itself.

I went there and photographed it, and wanted so badly to take a tour of it.  I hear that photos are only allowed outside, not inside.  They also only let you tour it if you are over 12 yrs old, and since the company I keep on the weekends has almost another 10 years to go before that point...my hope is that they keep the place in good working order so eventually I can take the tour.

Teaching this hand applique class is perhaps the high point of the month for me since the students are all so creative and lovely.  They inspire me and make me wonder about what will be next once all these blocks are complete.  So many many choices.

The block shown above is 99% made out of Japanese taupe fabrics.  I slipped a piece of Liberty of London fabric in there because I could not resist.  It reminded me so much of Wright's designs.  I picked it up on my trip to Purl Soho and it's called Green Ebs on their site.

Why did I even visit Purl's site?!  Now I am wanting some Elephant fabric.  I digress....

While driving around I'm listening to this awesome podcast called Stash and Burn - it's more knitting related that sewing, but it's super well done and very entertaining. 


  1. great block looks to me like you captured the feel of the house.
    love the trees in the background
    ok I would love to start a collection of L of L fabrics
    just need to have a lot more money in the check book!

  2. I just had a look at the photos of Hanna House and I must say you certainly captured the spirit and then some.
