Wednesday, August 29, 2012

For You (for me)

It's that time of year again for me:  Birthday Season!

My sons have their back to back birthdays in the next couple of weeks, so creative preparations are well underway.

I like to get them little treats, but I do have a hard time buying some of the branded toys they love (ie Cars2 movie stuff, angry bird dolls, etc).  I figure,'s my house, and they leave their toys all over it so...may as well have some toys that are nice to look at (read: NOT sponge bob).

In comes the "For You" toys that are in reality "for me".

Note: the vast majority of their gifts are actually for them, but in the confessional booth of my blog here, I am coming clean to you. 

Sometimes I  get them toys that I WANT!

Have you ever done that?  Come on...admit it.  You have, right?  Have you given your husband a new shower head for his birthday, because you know he'd install it for you? 

Please tell me I'm not alone here!  What's your most famous For You (for me) gift?

Ok, so here's the scoop:

1)  Fagus toys, available at Nova Natural Toys.  I didn't get any new ones this year, but it's hard for me not to.  For now I am restraining myself, but the truth is that I like to play with them.  Who knew I would be into toy trucks?!

2)  The tiny wooden village above as seen at B Kids blog is something that also falls easily into the "For You (for me)" category.  I had it shipped from the UK.  Wooden T.O.T.S was very willing to ship to the U.S. so that made it easy and affordable.

3)  After the olympics, who could resist the urge to have their own mini wooden toy play set of London?  Muji Online will help you fulfill your dreams of visiting London and bring it to the palm of your hand.

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