Friday, August 31, 2012

Monsters for my Monsters

My sister is quite the creative seamstress.  

She brought these little monster toys with her when she visited us.  They are her handmade creation for our boys.

Each of them contain several tiny toys and a bunch of clearish beads.  They come with a 'find me' card (in upper left side of the photo) that has pictures of all the goodies inside.

You can spend hours trying to find all the little trinkets.  It really held the attention of our kids and is a quiet, portable, and adorable little game.  

Maybe I'm giving away too much information here, but I think that even my DH likes to play with them. 

If you're having a long weekend like we are here in the states, I hope you're finding interesting ways to entertain yourselves.  

I'll be here feeling for the pearl inside of one of these monsters.  It's almost impossible to find!


  1. Super cute. Your sis is really talented. ;)

  2. Marisa's sister: if you are reading this.... These monsters are amazing!!!! Wow!! Very impressive. You around on wednesdays!??!!! :)

    1. Thx!! I really wish a was. I join you gals for sure.
