Saturday, January 19, 2013

Possession is 9/10th's of the Law

They say that if have your hands on something physically, it's easier to keep it

This little beanie I knit recently has been fought over to the point where if it's on your head, you feel like you're something special.

I was the lucky one today.  I wore it out while the competition had to fend for themselves.

A second one is on the needles but sadly coming along slowly as times have been quite busy lately.

Looking to surf up some of the latest quilty/stitchy awesomeness out there on the web?

Have at it:

Check out Nifty Quilts incredible scrap quilt - a masterpiece of color value in progress.

See more fabric scraps than you probably have in your own collection over at The Design Center.

Falling in love with cross stitch again over a Sew Take A Hike

I'm not usually one to post about food, but I will tell you that I'm secretly dreaming of eating French Toast sometime soon. 

Evil evil toast...evil evil carbs!


  1. Hmm... Odd, I seem to find that knit beanie upon my head right now. I think that gives me 100% of the ownership, at least for the moment!

    It must indeed be very nice for us to be fighting over it so my dear.

  2. Wonderful cap! I can see why there is stiff competition over who gets to wear it. Think I'd hide it under the bed if I were you. Thank you for mentioning my scrap quilt. The block is so fun and easy. Addicting, really.

  3. Yes, your toque (Canadian for cap) is really nice but all I can think about is french toast.
