Thursday, January 24, 2013

Too Much Noise & working with Pigeonroof Studios Fiber

One of my all time favorite children's books is called "Too Much Noise," by Ann McGovern. 

In the start of the story, the protagonist is complaining about all the noise the leaves make when the brush against his roof from a nearby tree.  He also doesn't like how noisy his tea kettle is.

The wise man of the town tells him to get a dog, and later a cat, which eventually escalates to a cow, a pig, a donkey and so on.

He ends up living in a zoo.

When the wise man tells him to let all the animals go, the noise of his leaves doesn't seem so serious anymore.

Lately our family has been so busy it seems almost as if we have a cow and a pig already present and accounted for here in our home.

I think it will eventually quite down, but my bet is that it gets even more interesting first.

We're keeping it all in perspective and enjoying the quality moments.

On Wednesday evenings my knitting/quilting group meets at my house and we all work on projects.  I recently completed spinning a silk/merino fiber blend by Pigeonroof Studios.

It's not a huge amount of yarn, but it was spun with friends and I'm proud to have a little something completed.

Here's to little victories.


  1. What beautiful yarn - just my colours - I'm currently finishing up some very fine spinning then it's onto some merino/silk fibre I dyed last weekend ..... hopefully I can spin it light fingering weight
