Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tokyo Dome Great Quilt Festival 2013: Eye candy

Are you looking for quilting eye candy, or real candy?  

How about a photo of some Japanese lollipops make in Kyoto to kick off my favorite post of the year about (duh!) the Tokyo Dome.

Did you visit the biggest quilt show on the planet this year?

Or did you want to?  That would be me of course.

The Tokyo Dome Great Quilt Festival is perhaps the most bountiful feast for the eyes that a quilter could hope to come upon.

Although I didn't make it there this year, one of my best friends did go, and it looks like a lot of other people went too!

- Lynett Anderson visited and posted several really great photos at her blog.

- Queenie also was there and took some incredible photos too.

- eQuilter is another good place to stop by for some Tokyo Dome eye candy.

 - Blossom Heart has a photo matrix that may blow your mind.

- Robots-Dreams flickr set has a awesome collection of images from the show.

If you went, and you're posting photos, please do let me know so I can add your link the list here.

For those of your keeping score at home, this is the 7th year I've been blogging about other people's photos from the show!

Next year it will be MY photos you're looking at.  I'm going to find a way to get there.  Beware, I might be hiding in your luggage.


  1. I just returned from my second day of viewing and will be making a few posts in the coming days.

  2. thank you for sharing these normally I depend on jan from be*mused to share the pictures but unfortunately she didn't go this year! all I can do is dream of going some year .
    lucky you , you must be so thrilled and the countdown of days has to be started !

  3. This is awesome! I can't wait to check out everyone's posts. Thank you!

    I broke mine into two posts - the first is here:


  4. Can't wait to show you my photos. I'm ready to go back!
