Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Alabama Chanin - some serious fun

When I originally broke out the airbrush and painted some fabric for an Alabama Chanin style test project, I also created a darker color piece.

I'm not sure that I love the dark red paint on white fabric that I used previously, and question my wisdom in using light silver paint on dark gray fabric.  When I look at the work that Alabama Chanin does that appeals to me most, it is actually the lower contrast look that I gravitate towards.

Next time I'm going to try the silver paint on white fabric, and some black paint on the dark grey fabric to try and achieve that elegant low contrast look.  Her long bloomer skirt is an example of this style.  Anna's Garden Swing Skirt is another beautiful example.

For now, it's all just learning and refining the basic skills of using the template and an airbrush, which is new to me.

It isn't that hard to pick up, but like everything...it will get better with some practice.

I'll be putting some black fabric under this gray that you see above and starting in on the reverse applique next.  

It's all quite addictive really.  The reverse applique is super portable and a perfect project for baseball season!

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