Thursday, April 4, 2013

Playing with Twined Knitting and Secret Ops Quilting

At Stitches West this year I took a class on Twined Knitting from author Laura Farson.

It was very different than the usual knitting method, but pretty cool, and very Scandinavian.

Maybe the brim of a hat or the cuff of a glove will have something like this going on in the future.

There is an interesting Ravelry group on twined knitting where you can learn more, if you're interested. 

I really like this hat pattern called Undergrowth.

Are you planning for Mother's Day yet?  If your mom knits, maybe a wood DPN holder by  Knitzi would put a smile on her face.  Wow, there is even a carved version in walnut.

Spare time is at a premium for me these days, but what little of it I do have is devoted to a new top secret quilting project. 

It's a surprise for the person to receive it, so I'll leave it at that for now to be on the safe side.

1 comment:

  1. We will all just have to be patient and wait to see your Secret Ops quilt! :)
