Thursday, August 29, 2013

To Taupe or Not To Taupe: That is the question

A recent post comment from Lynne had me laughing so hard I almost fell off my chair.  It's like a letter to the editor that just needs more discussion.

She mentioned that she still loves Japanese Taupe fabrics, but has seen a lot of chatter lately about how quilters are glad that we are moving away from this boring palette.

After some searching around, it is true that there are people out there that are tired of taupes!  Seriously!  Sick of them, and looking forward to their exit from the quilting scene.

Maybe I'm like one of those old hippies who still likes to wear tie die clothes 30 years after they stopped being popular. 

They will have to rip the taupe fabric out of my cold dead hands. 

Do you love taupes still?  Are you eagerly awaiting their demise?  

Leave a comment so I can get a better feel of what the quilting universe has to say on this one.

In other news, I've run into so many cool and interesting goodies lately, I have to share some of them with you here:  Enjoy.

Above socks by Zkano:  Made in Alabama!  Too cool for school.  Really comfie too.

Color Block Wallet:  Kids love this portable set of 100% beeswax crayons, made in Germany by NonPerishableGoods

Susan Frost Ceramics: beautiful, albeit not easy to order online unfortunately

Modern architecture & cool eats:  The Shed in Healdsburg, on my short list of places to visit

Greenware cutting boards: perfect gift for a new home or even just a treat for yourself someday

Poketo: if you like minimalism and clean lines, this is a very cool online shop for adorable goodies including some Japanese pots and pans

Oyo tiny figures:  Pablo Sandoval is by far my favorite from the SF Giants - not a Lego 'mini fig' but close and really cute


  1. I LOVE the Japanese taupes, but can't find them in my area. To me, they look very new and sophisticated. In fact, I've been seeing some major American fabric lines imitating them. I think they're IN not out!

  2. I still LOVE taupes (2 of my Taupe quilts won ribbons at my local county fair this year) & am itching to start a Taupe Swoon (pattern by Thmbleblossoms) but I have a few other UFO's/WIP's to clear out first.

    My Taupe to do list a long and happy one, I eagerly anticipate each & every one of those projects. (Well maybe not the HST's one - that is for my "waste triangles.")

  3. I love the taupes and always will...they sing like haiku in simplicity.

  4. I too love taupes and collected some while I lived in Japan. All the rage there for years now and I don't see it waning quite yet!

  5. Taupe can be bland or it can be understated and elegant. It is all in the execution (and perhaps in the eye of the beholder).
    I normally love colour, but I have a long-term 'dream' project in mind and one idea near the top is shades of white, cream, beige and taupe.

  6. In France taupe fabrics have been dominant for a decade, our star being Yoko Saito of course. It is in accordance to "the French good taste". After so many years of taupe, this trend is slowly recessing. Yet I have never been a huge fan of taupe quilts, I prefer indigo Japanese fabrics far better!
    Thanks for your lovely post... and interesting question!
