Sunday, September 8, 2013

In Search Of Alabama Chanin: a visit to Verb and Heath Ceramics

A Verb For Keeping Warm in Oakland, California recently had a trunk show where we went to try on the various different garments and consider what our next sewing projects would be.

There were a lot of beautiful garments there as well as sample fabrics in different colors with different treatments on them either with or without beads.

It took some time for use to check them all out.  Good that my kids are so fascinated by the ping pong balls they have at the shop, and good that the shop is so kid-friendly.

I think the only person who was really bored silly was my DH, but he did some web surfing on his phone so he survived and smiled at me with that smile that says he's glad I'm having so much fun.

Some additional photos for your enjoyment below.  I have not started a huge Alabama Chanin garment project, but I would like to soon before the weather gets too cool for the air brush paint to dry quickly.  I think warm weather really is best for the painting work. 

Enjoy the bonus images, captions are below the related photo.

One of the sample fabrics with black beads on it.  So many beads, very beautiful.

Another sample fabric with both beads and reverse applique.  These beads were brown on dark grey fabric and looked pretty.
Another sample fabric with reverse applique and knots on top.  You can see the beautiful shop in the background.
This is my charming friend Marianne modeling some of the sample garments.  She is even more sweet and lovely than she is beautiful.  Always more fun to shop with a good friend.

 Here is another sample fabric with embroidery and beads.  White on white.  Stunning.
Another sample piece.  It had both embroidery and beads.  LOTS of beads!
 This is my DH.  See the smile?  I know I'm biased but I find him so hunky-handsome sitting in a quilting/knitting shop. He may be thinking he'd rather had his teeth cleaned.
 Another sample fabric with beads, reverse applique and embroidery.  This was one of the more complex pieces.
Sample fabric with reverse applique and heavy clusters of beads inside of the cut out applique.
 On a different trip we visited Heath Ceramics in San Francisco.  This is an Alabama Chanin flag that was hanging there.  So very stunning.  All shades of blue.  Out of this world beautiful.  Lots of hand work, reverse applique.
This is another piece that was at Heath.  Sampler quilt with many different treatments including some beads.  Beautiful and also for sale!
A photo of the Alabama Chanin plates at Heath along with the books that I have and highly recommend.  I would love to have a set of these plates.  They are hand etched, so more costly than the other Heath plates.  Time to save up your lunch money.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thanks for taking us along on your shopping trip. Those beaded pieces are stunning!
