Sunday, October 20, 2013

PIQF 2013: Pacific International Quilt Festival

PIQF (Pacific International Quilt Festival) 2013 has come and gone but not without the notice of myself and hundreds of other happy onlookers.

I took a lot of photos, not of all the quilts, but of the ones that really caught my eye and some that stood out as being really notable.  I was a bit more rushed this year than in other years.  It's soccer season with the kids after all.

When you look through the photo stream for the most part the photo of the quilt is first, and the name of the quilter and details of the quilt come after that with photo of ribbons awarded as well if they got one.

I did a small bit of shopping.  More on that and links to my personal top 10 favorites in an upcoming post.  

For now, enjoy PIQF 2013.

Oh yes, and if you're looking for eye candy from other years, you can find hundreds if not thousands of photos from the last nine years of this event in my PIQF Through The Years flickr collection.


  1. Thanks so much! Great inspiration for a Monday morning.

  2. I love those Japanese quilts. Now I am wondering why quilt shows here never have any English (even though they are titled "International".

  3. merci ,merci pour toutes ces photos partagées qui nous font voyager au delà des continents

  4. Hello,
    thank you for sharing the pictures with us! Most of those quilts are pretty amazing.
    Beatrice (from France)

  5. Thank you so much for sharing these!!
